
Did you know? July is Hyperpigmentation / Melasma Awareness Month; an annual awareness event designed to educate us about these common skin conditions, their causes and the treatment options available. As an advanced skin specialist and laser expert in Liverpool, Amanda Azzopardi is no stranger to either of these complexion complaints – so let’s talk about them!


What is Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is a common skin condition which manifests as the darkening of certain areas of the skin. These patches of hyperpigmentation occur when an excess of melanin (the pigment that gives skin its colour) forms deposits in the skin.  Hyperpigmentation can affect people of all skin types and can occur in small patches, cover large areas or affect the entire body.

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to hyperpigmentation – there are in fact, various different types:

1. Hormonal hyperpigmentation (aka melasma) – which usually manifests in solid patches and is more prominent on the forehead, nose, chin & cheeks
2. Hyperpigmentation caused by UV exposure (usually referred to as sunspots, age spots or liver spots) – which can occur randomly on all parts of the body 

3. Hyperpigmentation caused by trauma or injury to the skin (aka post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, or PIH) – which can occur after a procedure, through an injury or a surgical procedure/ trauma to the skin.

So, what is Melasma?

Melasma is a common skin condition characterised by the appearance of dark, discoloured patches on the skin. These patches typically occur on areas of the face exposed to the sun, such as the cheeks, forehead, nose and upper lip. Melasma can also appear on other parts of the body that receive significant sun exposure, like the forearms and neck.

Melasma is caused by an overproduction of melanin: the pigment responsible for the colour of your skin, hair and eyes. Several factors can trigger this overproduction, including:

– Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone, can trigger melasma. This is why it is common during pregnancy (referred to as the “mask of pregnancy” or chloasma), in women taking oral contraceptives, or in those undergoing hormone replacement therapy

– Sun Exposure: Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun stimulate melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin, leading to the development or worsening of melasma

– Genetic Predisposition: A family history of melasma increases your likelihood of developing the condition

– Skin Type: Individuals with darker skin types (Fitzpatrick skin types III to VI) are more prone to melasma

– Medications: Certain medications, including some anti-seizure drugs, can make the skin more susceptible to melasma

– Cosmetic Products: Irritating cosmetics can trigger or exacerbate melasma.

What’s the difference between Hyperpigmentation and Melasma?

As discussed, hyperpigmentation and melasma are both conditions characterised by darkening of the skin due to an excess of melanin… but they have different causes, characteristics and treatment approaches. 

While melasma is a specific type of hyperpigmentation with distinct triggers and characteristics, hyperpigmentation is a broader term encompassing various conditions that cause skin darkening. Understanding the differences helps in choosing the appropriate treatment and management strategies for each condition. Some of the key differences include:

  • Root cause: Hyperpigmentation can be caused by a variety of factors; including sun exposure, inflammation, medications, and medical conditions… whereas melasma is primarily triggered by hormonal changes and sun exposure
  • Appearance: Whereas hyperpigmentation varies in size and shape, ranging from small spots to large patches, melasma typically appears as larger, symmetrical patches on the face
  • Affected Population: Hyperpigmentation can affect anyone, but certain types of pigmentation are more common in individuals with darker skin tones. Melasma on the other hand is more common in women, particularly those who are pregnant, taking oral contraceptives, or undergoing hormone therapy

How do we treat Hyperpigmentation and / or Melasma at Amanda Azzopardi Aesthetics?

“Treatments I’d recommend to address hyperpigmentation include laser treatments, resurfacing peels and prescription skincare; which can be used every day at home to suppress the melanin,” Amanda advises. Chemical Peels at Amanda Azzopardi Aesthetics use acids to exfoliate the top layer of skin, helping to fade dark spots. Our team can also target unwanted hyperpigmentation with laser energy to break down excess melanin, using our cutting-edge LaseMD Ultra device.

Prescription, at-home skincare can be used daily to suppress the melanin at a cellular level; working to clear the brown spots off the surface of the skin.This will leave your skin looking fresher, brighter & more rejuvenated… as well as looking less tired & more even.

There is no complete cure for hyperpigmentation. You can treat it and suppress it, however, any further exposure to the trigger will cause a re-occurrence of the initial flareup. Therefore, the gold standard for long- term treatment of hyperpigmentation is using prescribed skincare at home. Amanda often prescribes her patients hydroquinone, which blocks the production of pigmentation by inhibiting tyrosinase… combining it with tretinoin, vitamin C & SPF. These are prescription only skincare products that a medical professional will recommend to you (depending on your needs) to keep your skin fresh and glowing for many years to come.

Raising Awareness

Hyperpigmentation is a manageable condition with a variety of treatment options available. It’s important to consult with a skin expert to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment for individual cases. Regular sun protection and a proper skincare regimen are crucial in preventing and managing hyperpigmentation… so don’t scrimp on that SPF!

If you found this post useful, feel free to share it. Education is key, and the team at Amanda Azzopardi Aesthetics hope that by sharing useful articles like this one, we can empower readers in  better understanding their skin, taking control over their complexion, embracing their ageing journey and allowing them to make informed choices when it comes to aesthetic treatments and skincare.


Amanda Azzopardi, an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Aesthetic Medicine Prescriber, specialises in ageing-related changes. With a Masters in Advanced Clinical Practice, she's trained at the renowned Harley Academy in London and the Level 7 accredited Derma Medical Academy. Boasting over 15 years of global experience in acute medical settings and extensive aesthetic insurance, Amanda combines care, skill, and professionalism to ensure your treatments are in trustworthy hands.


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Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. It’s a major building block that provides structure, support and strength to various tissues. Collagen can be found in your:

  • Skin: Collagen plumps and smoothes your skin, giving your complexion its youthful elasticity
  • Bones: Collagen provides the framework for strong bones
  • Cartilage: It cushions our joints and allows for pain-free movement
  • Tendons: These tough cords rely on collagen for strength and flexibility
  • Blood vessels: Collagen also plays a role in the structure and integrity of your blood vessels

As we age, collagen production in our bodies naturally slows down – typically from your 20s onwards. This decline contributes to many visible signs of ageing, especially noticeable in the skin.

  • Wrinkles and fine lines: With less collagen to plump and support the skin, wrinkles and fine lines become more noticeable
  • Loss of volume and elasticity: As collagen production dips, skin loses its youthful bounce and fullness
  • Dryness: Collagen helps the skin retain moisture. Reduced collagen levels can lead to drier, less supple skin

It’s important to note that collagen loss isn’t the sole culprit behind ageing skin. Sun exposure, smoking and genetics will also determine how you age.

Can We Boost Collagen?

While we can’t turn back the clock on collagen production entirely, there are ways to support your body’s natural production and minimise collagen loss:

  • Diet: Include foods rich in vitamin C, proline and glycine; the amino acids that make up collagen. Think: citrus fruits, bell peppers, bone broth and egg whites
  • Sun protection: Sun exposure is a major destroyer of collagen – and the number one cause of signs of ageing on the skin. Use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher daily… even if you’re indoors, or it’s cloudy outside
  • Lifestyle choices: Smoking accelerates collagen breakdown. Maintaining a healthy weight and getting enough sleep can also be beneficial in slowing its decline

Collagen Supplements

Amanda recommends: Totally Derma and Arella Vegan Collagen for vegetarians

If you’re looking for a collagen supplement that works, both these products have proven clinical trials and data to back up their claims. Totally Derma is bovine collagen, which boasts a small-enough molecular structure to boost your hair, skin and nails through the small intestine. It can also help with reducing inflammation in your joints and improving hydration in mucosal tissue; such as vaginal dryness in women, as well as helping to reduce hot flushes and skin dryness.

The Takeaway Message

Collagen is a vital protein that keeps our bodies functioning well and looking youthful. While collagen production naturally slows down with age, there are steps you can take to support your body’s natural collagen production; whilst minimising collagen loss. Remember: a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, sun protection and good sleep habits goes a long way in promoting overall well-being and maintaining a more youthful appearance.

Book a Complimentary Skin Consultation with Amanda To Learn More

Any questions for us on collagen, skincare products to use or anti-ageing in general? Our expert team, led by Advanced Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner & Prescriber Amanda Azzopardi are on hand to provide you with bespoke skin advice; with the help of our advanced skin scanner, which analyses the deeper layers of the dermis to provide an in-depth, bespoke insight into your skin’s health. Understanding your skin concerns and skin type is key in devising a treatment plan that’ll achieve real results.

Off the back of your results, Amanda can prescribe medical-grade skincare products through our partner, Get Harley, delivered straight to your door. These results-driven products from leading brands complement other in-clinic treatments – such as LaseMD Ultra or skin peels, perfectly.

Book your complimentary consultation at Amanda Azzopardi Aesthetics today: it’s time to embark on your unique journey with us, creating true confidence from within. 


Amanda Azzopardi, an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Aesthetic Medicine Prescriber, specialises in ageing-related changes. With a Masters in Advanced Clinical Practice, she's trained at the renowned Harley Academy in London and the Level 7 accredited Derma Medical Academy. Boasting over 15 years of global experience in acute medical settings and extensive aesthetic insurance, Amanda combines care, skill, and professionalism to ensure your treatments are in trustworthy hands.


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Amanda and the team are thrilled to have been recognised for their unparalleled levels of customer service – delivering an outstanding patient experience across our Liverpool, Buckley and London clinic locations. Safety, patient care and delivering real results for those who trust us to assist them on their ageing journeys are of paramount importance to us. Find out more (and vote for Amanda) here.

About The Best Customer Service Award 2024

The Safety in Beauty Diamond Awards ‘Best Customer Service Award 2024’ will be awarded to a business that strives daily to go above and beyond in providing their patients with outstanding customer service. The team of judges – alongside your votes – will determine the winner; with the results being revealed in December 2024, at the glitzy awards ceremony and gala in London.

About The Safety In Beauty Diamond Awards

Established in 2013, The Safety in Beauty Diamond Awards celebrate the pride of the worldwide beauty, medical aesthetics and personal care community. The Diamond Awards are synonymous with glamour, style, first class entertainment, celebration and a united belief in raising industry standards.

These awards are one of the only events within the cosmetic interventions industry that focus and celebrate the two most fundamental and crucial aspects of a positive consumer experience, Safety and Excellence. A nationally and internationally recognised benchmark award, Safety In Beauty Awards winners and finalists celebrate those in the industry who’ve undertaken an immensely serious proactive approach to high standards, good practice and excellent outcomes.

Please vote for Amanda Azzopardi Aesthetics!

If you think Amanda Azzopardi Aesthetics meets the criteria for the ‘Best Customer Service Award 2024’ – or if maybe you’ve experienced our personalised approach to patient care first-hand, please take a moment to vote for us. Voting takes a matter of seconds, but it means so much to the entire team.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the other finalists at this year’s Safety In Beauty Diamond Awards – there’s some fantastic names on the shortlist, and we’re truly honoured to be listed alongside them. You can learn more about the awards, the categories and check out the finalists, here.


Amanda Azzopardi, an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Aesthetic Medicine Prescriber, specialises in ageing-related changes. With a Masters in Advanced Clinical Practice, she's trained at the renowned Harley Academy in London and the Level 7 accredited Derma Medical Academy. Boasting over 15 years of global experience in acute medical settings and extensive aesthetic insurance, Amanda combines care, skill, and professionalism to ensure your treatments are in trustworthy hands.


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